Sunday, August 16, 2009

Decisions, Decisions....

Well all... my student number came in for Mount Royal.

It's officially decision time. Do I take Physics 0130 in order to upgrade enough to take my radiology technician course or do I live in my current job for a little while longer until enough time has passed that I can retire...

Well, I guess that makes my decision easier, Physics 0130 here I come...

Next decision to be made, to join the Canadian Forces or not to. As of right now I see no reason not to; and the benefits are there...

School paid for .... Check
Salary while going to school... Check
A guaranteed career... Check
and Grandpa's favorite reason of all time...
The pension... Check.

Hmmm... well I will ramble on about my decision later... dinner is here.

- Stiletto

1 comment:

  1. Your Best Friend and First WifeAugust 16, 2009 at 10:16 PM

    Hey you can't have a pro con list without cons!
    1. You will owe your life to the army!
    2. You could have to leave your family!
    3. Ummm well this was spur of the moment so I could only come up with 2. but give me time dammit!
