Monday, August 24, 2009

I've made my decision.

That's all.

But I'll write more; because I can.

So, I've decided what I am doing with my life, career wise anyway. I still have a detail or 2 that I need to work out, but the decision in general is made.

I've also decided that I am not telling any really close friends or family until the balls start rolling on the different situations. I have friends and family that want certain things for my life, and want me to consider or to not consider joining the CF. I have family and friends that want me to go to school and that don’t want me to go to school; so until things are in place I have decided to keep my decision to myself.

I start Physics in September, it was paid for a long time ago, and even though I may not ever use it; it will at least give me something to keep my mind active. I also found out today that they are getting rid of some of our salaried clerical positions at work.... So I may not have a job by the end of the week; wish me luck.

- Stiletto

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