Monday, August 17, 2009

Decsions, Decsions - Part 2

So as it was kindly pointed out to me by S... I can't have a pro/con list without adding some cons to the list.

(I wasn't really making a pro/con list... but S knows me so well that it is what I do to make a decision and I was getting to the list fairly quickly so this might as well be it.)

1. School is paid for
2. Decent Salary (by decent I mean more than I am making now)
3. New oppourtunities/free educational upgrades along the way
4. 4 weeks holidays
5. Guaranteed Employment, in an otherwise unstable economy
6. Ability to retrain for a new position without loosing my job (if I wanted to)
7. Travel
8. Children??? (a whole bunch of options there)

1. Leave my friends and family
2. Possibility of going to the sandbox, or elsewhere
3. Children??? (there is a whole bunch of questions there)
4. Can't quit if I don't like it.

Okay I'm having a hard time with coming up with Con's... if anybody has any more (pros or cons) that I should be aware of please feel free to add them.


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