Friday, September 4, 2009

I hate push-ups....I love coffee....

Like really, really hate push-ups; and really really love coffee.... unfortunatley I did a whole bunch of push-ups yesterday and today I am having trouble lifting the coffee cup high enough to drink it. *Sigh*

I also must add, that I need to get a new car if this is going to continue... Driving the standard today was just pure torture... and I am pretty sure it was a little unsafe.

D, the wonderful devil of a trainer that I have got me to show him a proper push-up. Well proper military style ones anyway. And now the man is holding me to them. "We" did 20 push-ups yesterday, not all at once but within the hour that he was training me.

Except this time "we" means he did 20... I collapsed during the last 5 at the end, my arms were done; and decided they had had enough, so when I went to put my full body weight on them they said "hahahaha... nice try" and my face met the floor none to slowly. It was kind of funny; but I felt like that kid in gym class who is just supposed to do one push-up to pass, and yet he can't get up off the floor.

But there were some highlights to yesterdays training session... I got to see his Abs; he was standing over me spotting me, while I was lifting some weights and his shirt was baggy.  Distaraction: the easiest way to complete and hour training session. 
He touched my bum; I'm pretty sure it was an accident as he was trying to get me to push it just a little bit faster on my sprints so he was running after me and was letting me know he had caught up to me... but he still touched my bum :) So these are things that I am holding on to today as my tri-ceps are 'feeling the burn'... its a good hurt not a bad hurt.
 Update: so as I am writing this the security guard wanted to see how much pain I was in today and saw that I am having issues drinking my coffee, so he found me a straw!!! Seem's like such a simple solution now that I have some coffee in me and can actually think.  

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