Sunday, September 20, 2009

A weekend away....

Wow... I feel like I've missed so much this weekend.

I was wrapped up in my own bubble doing my own thing, had a few drinks and then a few more. (Okay, so I had lots to drink and allowed myself that as I don't get drunk very often... try once every 4 or 5 years if that)

I said good-bye to B... and got all the paperwork signed that I needed signed by him... although we still have to go to the bank and close our joint account (and yes I am aware at how over-due that is)

I got to see my 'second family'. S's mom and dad were in town for S's sons second birthday. It was a blast, also got to see S's little sister hmmm... we will have to call her little S as D is already taken and her big brother... who has always been like a big brother to me too... Yay for J. They all know about my decision and are pretty supportive on it; so that is cool.

S's son was so cute all day Saturday, we played and went to the zoo and just chilled with the family. I am definitely going to miss those family events and functions, I am going to miss a lot of things....and its been leaving me a little nostalgic lately. (and I'm not even in the CF yet)

MainT and I rocked it up at the Keith Urban concert, that was fun... one of the best concerts I have ever seen.

I didn't make it out to the gym at all this weekend and I feel like crap for it. It's sad that the gym has become such a big part of my life, but I guess kind of fitting.

I also didn't make it on to CMS or the computer all weekend... It was strange not being connected, and I feel like I missed so much in the 3 days I was AWOL. (For you non military types that is Absent Without Leave)... I was so excited to read everything this morning that I was up after only 5 hours of sleep.... kind of like Christmas, only better cause I'm not big on Christmas.

Anyway here is the countdown list for today:
12 More days until I hand in my application
12 More days until I turn 25...
2 more days in the gym with D this week...which will leave me with...
16 more sessions left with D by the end of the week.
6 More push ups needed consistently in order to pass the CF Express test.

That's all for now,
- Stiletto


  1. Just a quick random comment - Keith Urban concerts - always great!! :) Are you a country fan?
