Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I am at the end of the process... well, sort of; now I just play the CF waiting game... and who knows how long that will be.

I wont be heading off to basic until January at the earliest, My medical will probably be a set back for me... as I am predisposed to knee issues and they aren't sure if the PCOS will cause issues as well.... sigh. I had to go and get a piece of paper signed by the person that did my laser eye surgery... so they aren't going to be able to send my application off until Friday at the earliest...and then its supposed to be 2-6 weeks from then before I will even hear an answer.

On the good side I passed my interview with flying colors!!

In other news... A good friend of mine is leaving for the Af'stan soon... G be safe, and if you see a camel spider; shoot to kill not to maim... or it'll come after you. And yes, I will be sending you care packages and letters... maybe not so much while I'm in basic (if I make it there)...but I'll try to keep the letter writing going :)

Halloween is fast approaching, my favorite holiday... you can dress up however you want and no one says anything. lol. I have no idea what I am going to be this year, but I do know I do not want to sit at home. L and her B and AG and I are all supposed to do something, but what, I have no idea. We shall see what happens come Saturday.

It seems as if the last few weeks have been go go go... non-stop action all the time. It doesn't look like it is going to slow down anytime soon though. I am quite enjoying having a life, but at the same time, I'm not used to this much activity; so much so that you literally need to book me in advance if you want to see me... lol. I've had to turn down quite a few invitations to go out s of late due to other plans that I have had.

Ah well, I must be off to work, then to the gym and possibly out to coffee and costume shopping tonight.
Waiting for the madness to stop;
- Stiletto

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