Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sometimes comments are best left unsaid

In a few short months I have forged new friendships with amazing people, most of whom I have never met.

Today, I was shocked, appaled and pissed off to read a post that was placed on a wall in a group that has been all about support. Yes, people are entitled to their opinions... but people should also know that there is a time and a place for everything and now was not the time, and a support forum was not the place.

Yes, everyone is entitiled to their own political views; however if you are going to voice your political views, get the facts straight and make sure you aren't confusing one countries politics with another.

My heart hurts for the friends that I have made that are going through one of the toughest times in their life right now, it breaks for my friends that are off fighting for freedom and a cause...

I understand that people may not support war, I wouldn't ask anyone to. I am not a supporter of war, however show some respect. You don't need to support war in order to support those that are serving in one, they don't just do this for them, they do this for a bigger purpose, they do this to make a difference. Our soldiers are not over their acting soley on orders; our soldiers re trained to think for themselves to make good moral decisons and to have someone say otherwise throws me into a fit of rage and upset.

To all of my friends that are overseas, to all of you that have a SO overseas, I am truly sorry if you had to read any of that ignorant drivel.

My regards and prayers to all of you and your SO's
- Stiletto

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. What bullshit! I couldn't believe it when I read it. Pure garbage!!
