Thursday, October 29, 2009

Stupidity at a whole new level, and updates...

That's what I have created...uggghhh.

So, I have been really tired lately, and yet at night I find that I can't sleep. I'm anxious and excited and stressed and nervous and most days my stomach is in so many knots that I am nauesous more often than not; this of course makes me not really hungry... which in turn only makes me more tired.

So, I'm tired, hungry and obviously not taking care of myself very well, but I love going to the gym and yesterday was the first day where I could go back. *Note*: to all of you that like going to the gym... make sure you're not tired when you go. I had 4 minutes left to my workout, and I stepped on my ankle funny... now I am thinking I may have to go to the Dr. *SIGH*

**Please, oh please, oh please don't let it be broken**

My boss's last day is tomorrow, its pretty sad actually, I know I should be used to this as I ahve worked my way through 6 bosses now, but this boss has been here forever, he was the one that created my position for me, he was the one that forced my first boss to hire me; and now he is leaving. I am baking him a cake tonight to say thanks. Hopefully it turns out well.


In other sad news we have now lost 132 Canadian soldiers.... its a scary thought. In the last week (since Monday) there have been 22 American soldiers, and 1 Canadian soldier who have left us suddenly, with countless wounded... May God protect them and keep them safe; and may he be with their families in this horrible time.

Until they all come home.
- Stiletto

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