Sunday, January 31, 2010


That is what it feels like I am playing, the only problem is that the game never runs out of time and the moles are real people who just don't go away.

For instance, my father (aka sperm donor) took my mom to court... again... to do the same thing he has tried to do before. Pops up like a whack-a-mole. Then he sends an email to my mom after things didn't go his way (yet again)... popping up... whack-a-mole.

A is like my own personal whack-a-mole at times, the minute I start to move on, he senses it and pops up...whack-a-mole. Unfortunatley the little mechanisim that makes him duck his head back into the hole when the little rubber mallet is headed his way is broken so he sticks around for a while everytime... and it's hard to beat him with a rubber mallet so I usually just let him do his thing... that mechanism will kick in eventually. It has too, that's the whack-a-mole game.

My friend LW has a whack-a-mole, much like A. Except she forgets the object of the game everytime he pops his head out of the hole. Sometimes I think it might be good for her if I hit her in the head with my rubber mallet, but then I remember it wasn't long ago that I forgot how to play the game everytime A popped his head up.

My point is; if you think hard enough, you know someone who is a mole. Someone you just want to beat on the head with a rubber mallet until they go away... EVERYTIME you see them.

Somedays I wish I could run out of quarters.

- Stiletto

Rick Mercer says it best...

Every now and then an issue comes along that transcends politics; that transcends all socio-economic realities. And sometimes the truth needs to be said no matter how painful that truth may be to some people. This is one of those times and this is it.

Just because you are on an escalator, that does not mean you have to stop walking. Up or down, it is an escalator; it is not a ride at Canada's Wonderland.

It was designed to keep people moving faster. Which is why it's called an escalator not a slowthingsdown-alator. And if you must stop on an escalator because you've got bad knees or you're just a much calmer person then me, you have to stay to the right. The left lane is a passing lane. That means you can not put your shopping bag there. That also means your best friend can not park there and talk to you about why you really should have bought that blouse at value village.

And you wanna know why? Because when you do that, everyone behind you wants to kill you. And I only bring this up because I am a calm and rational person, but I swear to god if I ever end up in prison it will be because of something that happened on an escalator. Either that or near the front doors of a shopping mall or an airport.

Okay we all know that sometimes big buildings are overwhelming. That does not mean that you get to walk through the front door and just stop and look around for 3 minutes. If you need to get your bearings, the rules of the road apply here. You must pull over. Find a wall, you can spend all the time you want over there.

And while we're on the subject, if you get in an elevator before letting people off an elevator, that should be a criminal offense. With mandatory sentencing. Honestly I don't know why they don't teach this stuff in schools.

Look, we are heading into the holiday season people, there's gonna be big crowds, it's stressful enough. Peace and goodwill is the standard wish for the season; that's only gonna happen if everyone keeps moving.

Taken from Rick Mercers Blog.

- Stiletto

Thursday, January 28, 2010

30 Days...

That is all that is left until I leave for my new adventure...

Everyday I am feeling an intense mix of emotions, I am so excited to leave, to start this new chapter... and then I remember everything and everyone that I am saying good-bye too. I remember all of the little things that I am going to miss out on and it hurts just a little bit.

I am going to miss the birth of my newest nephew, I am going to miss Little AT and Little G growing and talking and just all around being a toddler...I am afraid that these 2 won't remember me when I come visit them... and I wont here the joyous "Hi Stiletto!" as I walk into to S's house.

I am going to miss S and AG and just hanging out.
I am going to miss my mom and the rest of the family
I am going to miss cooking.
I am afraid that when I come back grandpa will look older and be older... The man is like my father.... Him growing older saddens me.

But in the same breath I am looking forward to new friends, new adventures, a challenge and hopefully an MOC Reassignment. I am hoping to get posted to Edmonton or Cold Lake still.... somewhere close to home. But at the same time, the East Coast felt like I was home...and A's parents have graciously said that I could come visit anytime I am out east...more so if I can remuster to the airforce but they will except the navy blacks as well. LOL

Anyway, in 30 days I will be starting the next big adventure, and although I will miss everyone, I will always have you in my heart and prayers so you will never really be gone.

Call all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you - 1 Peter 5:7

- Stiletto

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Eventful Much?

January; the time for new beginnings and new starts. Usually a peaceful and tranquil month as everyone is starting out with new resolutions and new ideals.

Not for me, or my family. January came in with a bang... like a grenade exploding...well, at least that is what the house looked like. Like a big giant grenade hit it.

Mom and I moved into her new place on December 30th; actually, I should rephrase that a little bit. Mom moved into her house, and I found all my stuff after my 80 billion moves these last 2 years, and repacked it and it is now sitting in one corner of her basement, minus 3 weeks worth of clothing and the suitcase that is dutifully sitting under my bed waiting to be packed for basic.

My aunt's boyfriend asked my grandparents for their permission to marry my aunt; they said yes...managing not to jump for joy at the prospect of my aunt finally getting married. The wedding is being held on the 28th of January shortly after my Aunt comes home from Turkey. She leaves to go back to Turkey shortly after her wedding. Her boyfriend is staying here to finish his degree.

Grandpa's Knee replacement surgery is happening on the 19th...Mom goes into see the surgeon that day to as she will be getting her knee scoped on the 21st or 22nd.

There is also a court date between my mom and the sperm donor the week of my aunts wedding, in another province.

January, however; has also brought good things, my job offer from the CF, A few glorious days with my oldest niece and nephew, being unemployed during all of this is allowing me to spend some much needed time with friends and family. AG got to go see her husband...I am sure she is having a grand time, although I can hardly wait until she gets back so that I can tell her all that has occurred.

It has also brought with it some truths about A, what he is actually like and it turns out, it's a little skeezy. I do still feel things for him, but finding out all that I have found out and putting certain things together have made it a little easier getting over him. I still have no plans of moving on anytime soon, but that is more because I am leaving and starting my new career and just don't want to start a relationship just to end it in a few weeks.

February promises to be busy as well, with my swearing in and getting everything I need to leave for basic I will be busy as sin every day in February I am sure, plus 3 birthdays and a going away party.

Like I said being unemployed right now is a blessing, I am up before the sun and in bed long after it goes down, so I am trying to squeeze in as much time at the gym as humanly possible while fitting all the other drama in.

I can hardly wait for basic to start, I think that the pace might be a little slower than it is right now and I will only have to concentrate on me....and the rest of my platoon.

"Please lord, let basic be virtually drama free... and keep G, MM, E and all the others safe in Af'Stan"
- Stiletto

Monday, January 4, 2010

In the Navy.....

That's right folks. I am in the Navy?!?!?!?!?

Yes the question marks should be there.

Lesson number 1 with the CF, you get to tell them what you want to do and where you want to do it and even the color you want to wear while preforming said task (blue, green or black)...

However, lesson number 2 is They will take that information, write it down, laugh at you and then tell you what you are doing, where your doing it and what color you will be wearing while doing it.

So I am heading out to basic training in February, as an RMS Clerk (My 3rd choice...out of 3) and as a member of our Canadian Navy (Also my 3rd choice...out of 3). I am excited about the new adventure, however; it is going to take me a long time to get used to the fact that I am in the Navy.

I get a career manager after I finish basic so I will let them know what my career goals are (Aeromedical Tech) and hopefully after my 3 year contract is done they will be able to get me a component and occupation the very least a component transfer so that I can be in the Air Force and one step closer to my goals.

My mom has been limping around the house singing in the Navy and making fun of me... she is also making fun of the ranks... mainly because I can say Ordinary Seaman without laughing when she adds "so you don't even get to be super sperm? Just ordinary?"

Chalk it up to my ever supportive mom.

Anyway; Life's a bitch and you just have to roll with the punches.

"The purpose of life is to live, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences." - Eleanor Roosevelt
